
Scandi-Merica #6 - Cow


Ætta is giving some fresh water to her and her husband Gulr's pet cow Auðumbla,  but an ignorant passerby from the town outside doesn't understand and throws an insult. 

First comic strip of the new year! This was my first time drawing a cow, and I'm really happy with how it turned out! I like the combination of detail and simplicity, and fits in well with the human characters. You may notice some blotchy spots on their Stave house, I tried to add some more color digitally because for some reason the printer wasn't wanting to scan the color of the wood properly. I started work on this sometime around Govatsa Dwadashi last year, a Hindu holiday that marks the start of Diwali and honors the beautiful animal that is the cow. The cow is a sacred animal in many cultures, including Scandinavia. Ætta and Gulr's cow in the strip is named after the primordial cow that licks the salt to reveal the giant Búri that would be the grandfather of Oðinn, which can be read in a story from The Prose Edda.

Just like cows and others, we are all animals and all should have the same freedoms. Animals are innocent and the way people treat other animals is often a clue to how they treat other people. I practice Ahimsa, do no harm to yourself, other people, or other animals. There's a reason in almost all ancient cultures animals are respected and associated with different divinities. One of the main inspirations for me creating this strip was my anger I was feeling at the judgements that often get thrown towards those who refuse to eat the flesh of an animal, which is especially prevelent in American society.

All art, writing, penciling, inking, and coloring created by me.

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