
New single, Phasing, out now!


Last month I released my first distortion heavy metal song, the grunge Space Valkyrie, but it wasn't the first grunge song I recorded! Earlier last year I got an MXR Phase 90 pedal, phaser pedals are something I had wanted to play around with for a while, being used in such classics like Van Halen's Fair Warning album and Incubus' Morning View album (one of my all time favorite albums btw). After recording a few jams with it, this song and this single's B-side Sailing Across the Orknies were the first songs to form from my experiments. I gave the song the appropriate title of Phasing, not only for the obvious reason, but it resonated with all the bends in the song and mood of each riff section. The B-side Sailing Across the Orknies is in my signature harmonic rock style, but with the addition of the phase pedal. The string bends give it that grunge edge, though with a classic metal gallop to evoke the sailing and exploring then unknown seas.

When thinking of a cover, the idea of a viking longship in different phases of being built came to me. The phaser pedal can give a bit of a watery sound, and that sound element came into my playing as well, with it evoking the imagery of sailing across the sea in a longship.

Listen now on Youtube or Newgrounds!

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