
New song and new artwork! - Space Valkyrie (Himinvalkyr)


Excited to release my first straight up distortion heavy metal song! I've been listening to metal my whole life, and I've always wanted to compose and record metal music of my own. I realized the bass is such a beautiful instrument on it's own and that I didn't have to wait on others to record my own music, and I've developed my own unique harmonic bass sound but I still was craving some heavy stuff. I've been experimenting with recording distortion right for a while now, and I've started to get an idea of how to record and mix it. I've now got an amazing solo bass grunge song played on a 4-string bass with an MXR Fullbore Metal distortion pedal and a slight alternate drop-D tuning. It's slow and sludgy, and Viking Grunge feels like an appropriate description, enjoy! 

 Listen to the song now on Youtube and Newgrounds.

 One of my favorite bands and main inspirations has always been Soundgarden, whose influence can definitely be heard. Some of my other main inspirations when it comes to my grunge sound are Fu Manchu, early Queens of the Stone Age, The Sword, Ningen Isu, Om, and Load-era Metallica.

Himinvalkyr, used for a single cover for my solo bass grunge song Space Valkyrie. While I drew this with the song and title in mind, I love this as its own separate artwork as well. I started it after recording the song, but most of it came to me after looking at the beautiful artwork that adorns eighteenth century Icelandic manuscripts of the Prose Edda. I feel it's a combination of my own style with a touch of that old Icelandic artwork, and I've always loved drawing the constellations.

It depicts a Valkyrie (warrior women associated with the gods Oðinn and Freya and the place of Vallhalla) throwing the North circumpolar constellations Cassiopeia, Draco, and Cepheus into the heavens. This relates to how many different cultures have stories of different gods/goddesses/figures putting different things into the sky to form stars/constellations. Unfortunately there's not a whole lot of information on Norse star lore, but I've always had a love of the stars and constellations.

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